Scott, Patricia J.Dierks, Tracy A.2017-07-172017-07-172016-09-16Patricia J. Scott and Tracy A. Dierks. (2016 Sep 16). Creating an Infrastructure for Professional Development and Mentoring in the School of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences. Poster presented at IUPUI Mentoring Academy Fall Symposium. Office of Academic Affairs, IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN. poster describes the progress and lessons learned as a result of newly implemented Faculty Mentoring Program in the School of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences, IUPUI.Faculty DevelopmentPromotion and TenureMentoringHigher EducationSchool of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences, IUPUICreating an Infrastructure for Professional Development and Mentoring in the School of Health and Rehabilitation SciencesPoster10.7912/C2592V