Roblee, Martha2007-11-302007-11-302001Roblee, Martha. (2001). The Unserved Areas Issue: A Historical Perspective. Indiana libraries, 20(1), 14-17.0275777X has a long history of efforts to extend library service to all citizens of the state. The constitution passed in 1816 included a provision that, when a new county should be created, the General Assembly “…shall cause at least ten per cent to be reserved out of the proceeds of the sale of town lots in the seat of justice of such county for the use of a public library for such county; and, at the same session, they shall incorporate a library company under such rules and regulations as will best secure it permanence and extend its benefits.”en-USPublic libraries -- Law and legislation -- IndianaPublic services -- LibrariesIndiana Library FederationLibrary science -- Societies, etc.The Unserved Areas Issue: A Historical PerspectiveArticle