Mallorquí-Ruscalleda, Enric2020-12-072020-12-072020(2020). “The Elements of a Crime: a Brief Study on Actus Reus and Mens Rea,” Revista Internacional d’Humanitats [U of São Paulo / Instituto Jurídico Interdisciplinar – U of Porto/Autonomous U of Barcelona]49: 69-76. In this essay, and with the purpose of better understanding the fundamental elements on which the U.S. criminal law is based, I propose, mainly: 1) to define actus reus and mens rea; 2) to trace their genealogy and historical evolution, especially as far as men rea is concerned; 3) the above will be completed with a brief comment on legal cases that were once very important in relation to mens rea.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internationalactus reusmens reacase lawcommon lawModel Penal Codecriminal lawThe Elements of a Crime: a Brief Study on Actus Reus and Mens Rea,Article