Walker, Marquita R.2022-07-262022-07-262020Walker, M. R. (2020). Gender Bias in Employment: Implication for Social Work and Labor Studies. Advances in Social Work, 20(3), xiii–xvi. https://doi.org/10.18060/248672331-4125https://hdl.handle.net/1805/29626Gender bias in employment is not a new phenomenon. The historical devalued status of women and equity-seeking groups preserved in cultural and social gendered roles permeates the workplace and contributes to institutional structures which are fashioned by and reproduced through traditional norms and mores relegating women and equity-seeking groups to secondary status roles. The question then becomes is the continuation of these reinforced structural norms in the best long-term interest of all humanity? What are we giving up when we relegate over half of the world’s population to secondary and devalued status? What gains could be made if all workers were given the same opportunities, supports, and encouragements to reach their full potential.enAttribution 4.0 Internationallabor studiesGender BiasSocial WorkGender Bias in Employment: Implication for Social Work and Labor StudiesArticle