Lin, ChaolanDombrowski, LynnFaas, TravisBrady, Erin2018-08-292018-08-292017-11Lin, C., Faas, T., Dombrowski, L., & Brady, E. (2017). Beyond Cute: Exploring User Types and Design Opportunities of Virtual Reality Pet Games. In Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (pp. 1:1–1:10). New York, NY, USA: ACM. pet games, such as handheld games like Tamagotchi or video games like Petz, provide players with artificial pet companions or entertaining pet-raising simulations. Prior research has found that virtual pets have the potential to promote learning, collaboration, and empathy among users. While virtual reality (VR) has become an increasingly popular game medium, litle is known about users' expectations regarding game avatars, gameplay, and environments for VR-enabled pet games. We surveyed 780 respondents in an online survey and interviewed 30 participants to understand users' motivation, preferences, and game behavior in pet games played on various medium, and their expectations for VR pet games. Based on our findings, we generated three user types that reflect users' preferences and gameplay styles in VR pet games. We use these types to highlight key design opportunities and recommendations for VR pet games.enPublisher Policyvirtual realityuser typesvirtual petBeyond cute: exploring user types and design opportunities of virtual reality pet gamesConference proceedings