Shaker, Genevieve G.2022-06-032022-06-032011-10-31Shaker, G. G. (2011). The Global Common Good and the Future of Academic Professionals. Higher Learning Research Communications, 6(2). this epilogue to the special issue of Higher Learning Research Communications dedicated to higher education, community engagement, and the public good, Shaker addresses the unifying concept presented across the issue: the common good. For Shaker, this special issue responds to UNESCO’s call for educational institutions and educators to rethink education in the contemporary era and focuses on how academic endeavors can, do, and should act in service to a global common good. The essay stresses the academic workforce needs to be reimagined concurrently with rethinking the systems of education that will ensure the world and society “to which we aspire.” Faculty in all their diversity are the central and essential ingredient to a successful global educational response to the challenges of an equitable and just global society will create and disseminate the knowledge society needs. To close, Shaker notes publications such as this bring these conversations into sharper focus to align and connect them so that a rethought approach to higher education might generate discernible results within the relatively short time available.enAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 InternationalHigher Educationcommunity engagementpublic goodThe Global Common Good and the Future of Academic ProfessionalsArticle