Indiana State Board of Health2014-07-252014-07-252014-07-25Indiana State Board of Health. Monthly Bulletin. (1918); 21(12): 137-148.0019-6754 for December p. 137 / Abstract of Mortality Statistics for December p. 137 / Summary of Morbidity and Mortality for December p. 137 / Health Officers, Attention p. 138 / Delayed Birth and Death Reports p. 138 / Report of Bacteriology Laboratory for December p. 138 / Things of Interest from the Laboratory p. 139 / Announcement of Venereal Disease Pamphlets Issued p. 139 / The Quiet Observer on Venereal Disease p. 140 / Resolutions Passed by National Commission on Milk Standards p. 140 / The Laws of Moses p. 141 / "By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them" p. 141 / Shell Shock p. 141 / Miliaria in Indiana p. 141 / Rural Sanitation a Present Necessity p. 141 / City Boys Stronger Draft Data Shows p. 142 / The Micro-Organism p. 142 / After Years of Upholding and Declaring p. 142 / Full-Time Health Officer Gets Results p. 143 / The Germs of Decay p. 143 / Remember Thy Creator p. 144 / Handling Food p. 144 / Do You Know? p. 144 / A Confession p. 144 / Why Do Reforms Reform? p. 144 / Chart Showing Geographical Distribution of Deaths p. 145 / Table 1. Deaths and Births in Indiana by Counties p. 146 / Table 2. Deaths and Births in Indiana by Cities p. 147 / Mortality of Indiana, December p. 147 / Weather Report p. 148 / Epidemic in Indiana p. 148Indiana; Descriptive Statistics; Age-Specific Death Rate; Cause-Specific Death Rate; Infant Mortality Rate; Homicide; Suicide; Food Inspection; Food Analysis; Infectious Disease; Birth Certificates; Death CertificateMonthly Bulletin, 1918 Vol. 21 No. 12