Daghrery, ArwaBottino, Marco C.2024-10-252024-10-252022Daghrery A, Bottino MC. Advanced biomaterials for periodontal tissue regeneration. Genesis. 2022;60(8-9):e23501. doi:10.1002/dvg.23501https://hdl.handle.net/1805/44219The periodontium is a suitable target for regenerative intervention, since it does not functionally restore itself after disease. Importantly, the limited regeneration capacity of the periodontium could be improved with the development of novel biomaterials and therapeutic strategies. Of note, the regenerative potential of the periodontium depends not only on its tissue‐specific architecture and function, but also on its ability to reconstruct distinct tissues and tissue interfaces, suggesting that the advancement of tissue engineering approaches can ultimately offer new perspectives to promote the organized reconstruction of soft and hard periodontal tissues. Here, we discuss material‐based, biologically active cues, and the application of innovative biofabrication technologies to regenerate the multiple tissues that comprise the periodontium.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International3D printingBiofabricationBiomaterialsBioprintingInfectionPeriodontitisRegenerationScaffoldsAdvanced biomaterials for periodontal tissue regenerationArticle