Herzog, Patricia SnellBopp, MonicaWatson, BethanyHall, JessicaSanburn, KarenHillier-Geisler, MeganFegley, BryanPockette, ChrisClark, DonnaAlbritton, BrennaGates, NikiKlink, KendraBrown, SydneyWang, Yujue2020-05-112020-05-112020-01Herzog, Patricia Snell, Monica Bopp, Bethany Watson, Jessica Hall, Karen Sanburn, Megan Hillier-Geisler, Bryan Fegley, Chris Pockette, Donna Clark, Brenna Albritton, Niki Gates, Kendra Klink Sydney Brown, and Yujue Wang. 2020. "Transitioning to Adulthood: An Annotated Bibliography of the PSID-TA Publications." Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, Indianapolis, IN, USA.https://hdl.handle.net/1805/22739This report provides an annotated bibliography of all 100 publications published to date on the Transition to Adulthood Supplement (TAS) of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID). Of these publications, 79 are articles in peer-reviewed journals, 6 are book chapters, and 15 are doctoral student dissertations. In terms of topic area, 40 publications focus on the impact of economics and socioeconomic status, another 18 study the effect of childhood and youth savings accounts, 41 study educational attainment and college-level outcomes, 32 study health and wellbeing, 20 investigate marriage and family dynamics, 31 explicitly attend to race and ethnicity, 10 study work and occupations, 7 neighborhood effects, 7 social capital and trust, 3 criminal activity, and 5 explicitly engage technology (note: since publications often engage multiple topics, these categories are not mutually-exclusive).en-USyouthyoung peopleemerging adultstransitioning to adulthoodeducational attainmentcollegehealthwellbeingmarriagefamilyneighborhood effectsrace and ethnicitysocial capitaltrusttechnologyworkoccupationssocioeconomic statussavings accountsincomeintergenerational transmissiontransitions to adulthoodPanel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID)criminal activityTransitioning to Adulthood: An Annotated Bibliography of the PSID-TA PublicationsTechnical Report