Indiana, General Assembly2007-09-262007-09-261935-01-01Laws of the state of Indiana, passed at the ninety-third regular session of the General Assembly ... 1935 act providing for the sexual sterilization of insane persons in certain cases, prescribing the powers of courts, and defining the duties of medical examiners and superintendents of institutions for the insane in relation thereto.en-USIndiana. General Assembly.Session laws -- IndianaInvoluntary sterilizationSterilizationHeredityMental RetardationSurgical Procedures, OperativeLaws of the state of Indiana, passed at the ninety-third regular session of the General Assembly ... 1935Book chapterSterilization, Involuntary 11.3; 8.3.4Sterilization of Mentally Disabled Persons 11.3; 9.5.3Behavioral Genetics 15.6Negative Eugenics 15.5Consent, Informed (Bills, Laws and Cases) 8.3.5