Black, Laura W.Bute, Jennifer J.Russell, Laura D.2014-07-312014-07-312010Black, L. W., Bute, J. J., & Russell, L. D. (2010). “The Secret is Out!” Supporting Weight Loss through Online Interaction. Cases on online discussion and interaction: Experiences and outcomes, 351-368. chapter provides a case study of how social support is communicated through online discussion on a weight loss community website. The site has many features including member profiles, journals, discussion boards, exercise and food trackers, and charts to help members keep track of their weight loss efforts. Members set goals, write journal entries, comment on one another’s journals, upload photos, join groups and challenges, and concerns issues related to diet, exercise, lifestyle changes, and other issues in their lives. Through analysis of journal entries and discussion forum comments, we discern how members demonstrate and respond to social support with one another. We also investigate the ways in which features of the online discussion help people communicate support. This study has implications for facilitators or web designers who want to create online spaces that foster supportive communication, particularly related to health concerns.en-USweight lossonline interaction“The Secret is Out!” Supporting Weight Loss through Online InteractionBook chapter