Indiana State Board of Health2011-01-122011-01-121901Indiana State Board of Health. Monthly Bulletin. (1901); 3(3): 25-36.0019-6754 of mortality statistics for March, 1901 p. 25 / Sickness in Indiana during March p. 26 / Smallpox in March p. 26 / Governor Mount and public health affairs p. 26 / Whitley County Poorhouse p. 27 / Dr. Spalding on Vaccination p. 29 / The Louttit Amendment p. 30 / Health matters p. 31 / The frog a health officer p. 32 / Chart showing geographical distribution of deaths from certain communicable diseases p. 33 / Deaths in Indiana by geographical sections and counties during the month of March, 1901 p. 34 / Deaths in Indiana by cities during the month of March, 1901 p. 35 / Mortality of Indiana for March, 1901 p. 36 / Indiana climatic data for March, 1901 p. 36IndianaDescriptive StatisticsAge-specific death rateCause-specific death rateInfant mortalityHomicideSuicideSmallpoxAngola (City)MilkFood AdulterationWhitley County PoorhousePoorhousesPosey CountyHygiene EducationHog CholeraClassical Swine FeverAntitoxinsHealth OfficersJamJellyGlucoseMosquitoesPipidaeInsect VectorsFrogsMalariaChristian ScientistsTuberculosis, BovineSchool AttendanceLouttit AmendmentHealth LegislationSanatoriumsClinton (City)Vermillion County;Indiana State Board of Health Bulletin, 1901 Vol. 3 No. 3